Międzynarodowy Dzień Języka Ojczystego

 International Mother Language Day - 21st February, 2021

This year we celebrated the International Mother Language Day with our Erasmus+ partners.

All the students of our school were involved in the project – both younger and older pupils. We wanted to promote awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity and to promote multilingualism, which is very important for the development of cultural heritage. We focused on history, tradition and word culture. Mother tongue was presented as our identity. Pupils made different small works of art, using paints, crayons, plasticine, newspapers. Some students focused on words with difficult spelling or words with diacritical marks, which are typical of Polish language. We also tried to choose the most beautiful and the most popular words nowadays. The children who spend time in the common room, made amazing posters that promoted that special and important day.

Mother Language Day is held to promote the preservation and protection of all languages used by peoples of the world. It also emphasizes the importance of language education. This year our Erasmus+ project subject is “Europe today” and we celebrated this day together with our project partners. Students from Germany, Bulgaria, Scotland and Italy sent us some words. We used the chosen words to make decoration in the school corridor. Pupils could realize how important their own language is, they could learn some words in foreign languages, compare the spelling or even fonts used in different countries.

Written by Mariola Szreder, Agnieszka Brzezińska

Translated by Grażyna Napieraj

Photos: M.Szreder, teachers (classes 0 – III)

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